Embracing Femininity

Growing up, wearing the color pink was something to be ashamed of. Though I never felt pressured directly by my family to hate this shade of red, the societal views of femininity corrupted my mind as a young girl. If you've ever been picked on for being too "girly", watched shows where the feminine girl is often portrayed as dumb as a brick, or seen men get told to "man up", then you have witnessed the stigma our society has towards femininity.

No matter what gender you identify with, society has for many years labeled feminine things as invaulable or lesser. Oh, you are in tune with your emotions as a guy?: you're "lesser" of a man. You're a girl that has several makeup palettes?: you're too "high-maintenance". So many of these messages have been thrown at us from a young age in the media we consume. Some of these messages even affect the values your family has, which can carry into how you're treated by them. Being told you're too emotional, too girly, too high-maintenance or whatever adjective they use to reject something "feminine", can have a lasting affect on the way you see yourself.

If being "feminine" is seen as being "lesser" than others, then why embrace it? Why embrace the shame that comes with the stigma? Why put yourself through the comments by strangers and family members? Embrace it because you shouldn't be shamed into being someone you're not. Whether you're a guy in tune with your emotions or a girl who loves makeup, never be ashamed of that side of you. Never be ashamed of the things you love and the person you are. You are always going to be valuable for embracing who you are, no matter what the media or society tries to tell you. People will love you for who you are. There is nothing wrong with trying to hide your feminine-side if it keeps you physically/mentally safe, but if it is not doing that, then toss that stigma into the garbage and reveal who you truly are.

Whether you take the first step by putting on a little eyeshadow, trying on a dress you've been eyeing, speaking openly about your feelings to your partner, don't let anyone knock you down. Get out there and be your true self, whatever that means to you. Until things change, society will continue to portray femininity as lesser and something to be ashamed of, but don't let that stop you. Be yourself and kick that stigma in the ass with your femininity. Show the world that men can embrace their emotions while still loving sports. Show them that women can be dressed in head-to-toe in bright pink but can also love heavy metal. Never be boxed in by the ridiculous standards society has set and flaunt your true self to the world.
